Create Your Own Unique Lipstick Shade Using a Lip Palette
So you want to streamline your lipstick collection but you also want to always have the right shade at hand? You need to invest in a lip palette. Today I'm teaching you how to create your own unique lipstick shades using a lip palette!

I own a lot of lipsticks! I’m at the point in my lipstick collecting journey where I can no longer do the zip up on the makeup bag that holds all of my lipsticks. Admittedly, I use them and of course, product knowledge and being able to offer trusted fashion and beauty recommendations at the drop of a hat comes in handy in my line of work. That being said, I’ve recently discovered what a fantastic and more sustainable alternative a lip palette can be. Unlimited lip shade options without all of the packaging you’d get when buying multiple individual lipsticks. Mixing lipstick colours isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Luckily, you don’t have to go back to college to study makeup or art to learn how to mix colours successfully, I have all the info you need right here. You do need to learn the basics and at least learn how to mix the shades you wish to wear, but there really isn’t much to it if you follow my advice. Plus, I find the experience of wearing lipstick even more enjoyable now that I create my own shades on my mixing palette!

Over the past couple of months I have been playing around with a new lip palette to see what unique lip colour creations I could curate. Along the way, switching to a lip palette proved to be an excellent ethical swap that dramatically reduces product packaging waste. It’s simple! You purchase one lip palette and you’re done! No need to purchase multiple lipsticks and still risk the shade being different when you get it outside in natural daylight! And for those who try to live a minimalist lifestyle or who travel often and want to keep luggage and belongings to a minimum, a flat, lightweight and easy to store palette is about as convenient as it gets!
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Here is a list of products that I have been using to help me create my own unique lipstick shades. Obviously, most important is the lip palette itself. Personally, I love the BH Cosmetics lip palette and the Anastasia Beverly Hills lip palette.
?Red + neon fuchsia = dark pink
?Red + nude lipstick in the colour of your skin tone = the perfect “my lips but better shade”
?Red + brown = red wine
?Red + orange = sunset orange
?Red + plum = berry
?Yellow + blue = green
?Red + white + yellow = rose pink
?Red + coral = Tomato red (with an orange undertone)
?Brown + yellow = medium nude
?Red + yellow = coral orange
?Orange + berry red = fuchsia pink
?Brown + yellow = dark nude
?Purple + berry red = blackcurrant

Create Your Own Unique Lipstick Shade Using a Lip Palette
I own a lot of lipsticks! I’m at the point in my lipstick collecting journey where I can no longer do the zip up on the makeup bag that holds all of my lipsticks. Admittedly, I use them and of course, product knowledge and being able to offer trusted fashion and beauty recommendations at the drop of a hat comes in handy in my line of work. That being said, I’ve recently discovered what a fantastic and more sustainable alternative a lip palette can be. Unlimited lip shade options without all of the packaging you’d get when buying multiple individual lipsticks. Mixing lipstick colours isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Luckily, you don’t have to go back to college to study makeup or art to learn how to mix colours successfully, I have all the info you need right here. You do need to learn the basics and at least learn how to mix the shades you wish to wear, but there really isn’t much to it if you follow my advice. Plus, I find the experience of wearing lipstick even more enjoyable now that I create my own shades on my mixing palette!

Over the past couple of months I have been playing around with a new lip palette to see what unique lip colour creations I could curate. Along the way, switching to a lip palette proved to be an excellent ethical swap that dramatically reduces product packaging waste. It’s simple! You purchase one lip palette and you’re done! No need to purchase multiple lipsticks and still risk the shade being different when you get it outside in natural daylight! And for those who try to live a minimalist lifestyle or who travel often and want to keep luggage and belongings to a minimum, a flat, lightweight and easy to store palette is about as convenient as it gets!
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The Lipstick Mixing Kit
Here is a list of products that I have been using to help me create my own unique lipstick shades. Obviously, most important is the lip palette itself. Personally, I love the BH Cosmetics lip palette and the Anastasia Beverly Hills lip palette.
- $ Save: BH Cosmetics lip palette
- $$$ Spend: Anastasia Beverly Hills lip palette
- Makeup remover cloths
- Vegan lip brush
How to Mix Different Lipstick Colours
?Red + neon fuchsia = dark pink
?Red + nude lipstick in the colour of your skin tone = the perfect “my lips but better shade”
?Red + brown = red wine
?Red + orange = sunset orange
?Red + plum = berry
?Yellow + blue = green
?Red + white + yellow = rose pink
?Red + coral = Tomato red (with an orange undertone)
?Brown + yellow = medium nude
?Red + yellow = coral orange
?Orange + berry red = fuchsia pink
?Brown + yellow = dark nude
?Purple + berry red = blackcurrant
Have any more suggestions? Tag me on Instagram and let me know!