7 of the Best Cruelty-Free Beauty Advent Calendars for 2018


7 of the Best Cruelty-Free Beauty Advent Calendars for 2018


7 of the Best Cruelty-Free Beauty Advent Calendars for 2018

Looking for a beauty advent calendar for Christmas 2018? Here are my top 7 favourite cruelty-free beauty advent calendars for 2018. Enjoy!
Remember when you were small and the excitement of opening the first window of your chocolate advent calendar was too much to handle? If you grew up with siblings there would always be one who would correctly eat one chocolate per day and another who would eat the entire contents of their calendar on December 1st consequently spending the rest of the month disappointed. Sound familiar?! Or was that just what life was like between my sister and I? For those interested, I was the one with enough self-control to limit myself to one advent chocolate per day and sometimes I’d even forget to eat my chocolate until I got home from school!
While I may have been able to rationally exercise some form of self-discipline and control over how much chocolate I consumed as a child, the same can’t be said for beauty advent calendars. I recently took a trip to Sephora for the first time and let’s just say that I went a little crazy with my beauty purchases – but it was well worth it of course! For me, make-up, fashion and beauty have always been way more addictive than chocolate! Clearly we all have our vices! Sephora was full of beauty advent calendars, so I thought I’d put together my list of the top 7 cruelty-free beauty calendars available for 2018. I will be ordering one (I shall stick to just one!) this week but I still haven’t decided which to choose. Beauty advent calendars can seem like a big expense but in actual fact you normally save money through buying them. They’re packed with exclusive and popular products and on average you usually get at least 25% more than what you pay for – so what’s not to love?!

7 of the Best Cruelty-Free Beauty Advent Calendars for 2018

7 of the Best Cruelty-Free Beauty Advent Calendars for 2018

  1. Sleek Advent Calendar
  2. Gin Advent Calendar
  3. Catrice Advent Calendar
  4. Charlotte Tilbury Advent Calendar
  5. Essence Advent Calendar
  6. Bare Minerals Advent Calendar
  7. Cath Kidson Advent Calendar

P.s. I know that the gin calendar isn't a beauty calendar, but it's a fun calendar to enjoy each evening throughout the party season!

What do you think? Which would you choose?

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